Thursday, 06 January 2011

Rest Day
10 Responses
  1. Susan

    WOD B
    155# DL x5
    Burpees x10
    5 Rounds

    7.14 PR by 1.18

    THank you, Erin! I really didnt think that I could pick up 155 today.

  2. Carmen

    Amen Jimmy! I was at the 0530 class but that's about it. I was still in recovery mode from the 1730 class 12 hours earlier!

    Great job Melanie, Lesley, Michel, Christine and Joe!!!

    Love the pic of Erin!

  3. Lesley

    Congrats on all of the PR's!

    150 Burpees for time
    19:44, improvement from last week of 1 1/2 mins.
    Burpees are caught up! Only 2 more days!

    I won't have to do burpees until tomorrow morning, so I'm considering my 23 hours off 'rest'! 🙂