The Christmas Party is this Saturday, starting at 1800. Remember to sign up for the ping-pong tournament!
Open Gym
1200-1330 AND 1700-1830
Unlimited members may use Open Gym to work on extra skills, strength, or conditioning. All other members may use Open Gym to make up a missed programmed WOD.
MP Iron Club*
Lift 1:
Every 2:30, perform one cycle of:
1 Power snatch ⇒ 1 Hang squat snatch ⇒ 1 Overhead squat
Start at 25%, increase by 5-10 lbs each cycle. Build to a heavy cycle.
For load
Lift 2:
Every 2:30, perform one round…
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds of:
Back Squat
For heavy single
*MP Iron Club programming will be available at both Open Gym times. It is designed to improve every athlete’s lifting ability. The core of this program is to develop the skills and strength needed to improve the Olympic and power lifts.
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