Saturday, 31 August 2019

Register for Saved by the Barbell, Saturday, 31 August 2019



Athlete may chose which WOD to do first, rest 10 minutes, and then do the other WOD.

2019 Wodapalooza Online Qualifier WOD #4

150 Wall-ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)

75 Toes-to-bar


For time


…Rest 10:00, then…

Saved by the Barbell

3 round for max rep of:

1 minute of Burpees

1 minute of Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)

1 minute of Deadlifts (115/75)

1 minute of Med-Ball Sit-ups (20/14)

1 minute of Hang Power Cleans (115/75)

Rest 1:00 between rounds


For total score

Compare to Saturday, 01 September 2018



Saddle Sit

Spine Smash

Barbell Shoulder Smash



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