Saturday, 30 October 2010

2 minutes max rep Push-ups

Rest to recovery, 10 min max

2 minutes max rep Sit-ups

Rest to recovery, 10 min max

2 mile run for time

Post max reps and run time to comments

CFE WOD (3+ hrs before/after main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

Run: 4 x 800m, rest 5 min
Row: 4 x 1000m, rest 5 min
Bike: 4 x 3k, rest 5 min
Swim: 4 x 250m, rest 5 min

Post sprint time to comments
12 Responses
  1. MP Jimmy

    Ladies, here you go with your Army PT score!

    If you did knee PU, then I scored 1/3 of them as full body. I also scored the run 1 minute faster then your actual, due to the extreme incline of the MP track.

    Jaime: 259 RX (actual run was 19:24)
    Melanie: 246 (100pts on your SU, great work)
    Michel: 209 (scored row 1:1 for run) Congratz on 5k row PR!
    Patrice: 198

    Great job this morning ladies! Awesome work!

  2. MP Jimmy

    Danny and I ran a 15k, not for time necessarily; but more for pace practice.

    Our time was 1:22:44. That is with a 3:03 water/restroom break, and a 1:43 water break.

    Thanks for running Danny!

  3. Robert

    Out of town but behind the hotel was a 6 ft wall so I could not resist:

    3 rounds

    Run 800( hilly)
    10 burpee wall climbs(burpee then scale a 6 ft wall)
    20 double unders

    25: 44

  4. Michel

    Robert, I for one am relieved. Had there not been a post of CrossFit Road Warrior with a potential board WOD at MPCF, we would have had to mobilize the armed forces for a nationwide manhunt. A collective exhale for our good fortune…Well done as always!!!You rock with this!
    And the encore? Burpee walking handstand 50 M from from 6 foot wall and scaling with 20 lb vest. 3 Rounds for time. We will call this WOD:
    "Off the Wall Hands Down". Have a great road trip!

    And thank you!

  5. Angela

    I did the Tulsa Run this morning with some fellow TNT-ers but I did see Lesley along the course (she was ahead of me, of course). But, I was SO thrilled to see my CF gals near the finish line waiting congratulate me…thanks, Erin, Lesley, and Carmen, you all are awesome!! Great run, ladies!!

    Robert, you're an animal!

    Congrats on those Army PT scores Jamie, Michel (woo-hoo on your massive PR), Melanie, and Patrice (welcome back)!!

    Jimmy, did you rein your pace in? Start off more moderately?!?! 🙂

  6. Lesley

    Sounds like a fun day at the CF gym, Tulsa Run and mock Tulsa Run for Danny & Jimmy! Great job, everyone!

    Robert, you're out of control!

  7. MP Jimmy

    Yes Angela I did rein in my time at the beginning. Of course I had to, Danny had the garmin! 🙂 I had left mine at home, and did not know the route. Danny was a mean step-mother, and made me stay at a given pace. 🙂 Thanks again Danny.

    However, I think Danny ran faster than intended. 🙂