Saturday, 30 March 2024

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Partner WOD

10 Rounds, partners alternate rounds, of:

2 Bar muscle-ups

3 Shoulder to overhead (125/83)

4 Bar over burpees


…Rest 2:00, change load, then with equal work…


50 Wall ball shots (20/14)@(10/9′)

40 GHD Sit-ups

30 Box jumps (30/24)

20 Power cleans (185/123)


…Rest 2:00, change load, then with alternating rounds…


10 Rounds, partners alternate rounds, of:

2 Bar muscle-ups

3 Shoulder to overhead (125/83)

4 Bar over burpees


For time



Post results and experiences to comments

4 Responses
  1. sflynn

    6:55, 15:30, 24:16 Rx with Coach
    I’m really happy with how we did! Was working a new cue on BMU (pulling feet to butt) and I really think this helps me ensure me toes don’t go over bar! Excited about that! PCs felt like the hardest part!

    Good solid work for Hauger’s last day! 🙁
    We will miss you Doc! You always have a home at MPCF! ❤️

  2. White Ape

    What Coach Sarah said!
    I was able to do all rounds unbroken on muscle-ups. Working on getting my mojo back on those. Bad habits are really hard to break!!

    Doc Hauger, we will miss you tremendously! You will ALWAYS be part of the MP family. Monday morning will be a little somber knowing you won’t be walking in. 🙁 May God bless your new adventure!! You are APE Strong! 🙂