Saturday, 30 December 2023

Class on Monday, January 1st is at 0900 ONLY. Happy New Year!



4-person Team* WOD

“Last jubilee of 2023!”

Complete as many reps as possible in 5-minutes* of:

Max reps double unders


…rest 2:00, then…

12-minutes of max calories*


…rest 2:00, then…

Complete as many reps as possible in 5-minutes* of:

Crossover single unders


…rest 2:00, then…

12-minutes of max calories*


…rest 2:00, then…

Complete the remaining reps* with:

Single unders


For time

*The total of the calories and reps need to equal 2023. Two teammates are working at a time. Athletes can choose their machine, and may switch at any time.



Post results and experiences to comments

4 Responses
  1. sflynn

    Teamed with Coach, Wade, and Gene!!
    Wade modified DU to SU and Gene modified the jump rope to box steps

    Awesome WOD with a great class!
    Happy New Year!

    1. sflynn

      Programming note for next year:
      Cut each jump rope down to 3min. For every 3min jumprope segment: Single unders, speed skips, crossover single unders, and double unders permitted. Athletes choice on which to do. But each jump makes 1 rep. (So each DU would only count as one).