New Year’s week: Normal hours on Monday, night class canceled on Tuesday, 0900 class ONLY on Wednesday, returning to regular schedule on Thursday.
Partner WOD
Complete as many reps as possible in 3-minutes of:
6 Bar muscle-ups
12 Alternating DB box step-ups (2×50/35) @ (24/20″)
Max rep squat cleans in remaining time (185/123)
7 sets* for score
*Rest 2:00 between sets
Post results and experiences to comments
Partnered with Tucker!
So fun!!
Partnered with Lexie
97 reps
Mod burpee pull-ups
85 Rx with Coach
BMU in 3/3 and DBSU in 6/6
Tough but good WOD!
Per round:
On rds: (J/S)
1 & 2: 1/1
3-6: 2/1, then 1/1
7: 2/1, 2/1, 2/1, then 1/1
We had me do more at the beginning to give Coach Sarah a slight break between cleans box step-ups
My muscle-ups felt really good today! Did all round unbroken 3’s. Kind of backed off on rep three each time so cut them a little short, but still plenty to complete reps. I need to act like I have one more to do each time.
Strong work Coach! 🦍💪🏼