Saturday, 28 December 2019



Partner WOD (co-ed if possible)

30 Synchronized dumbbell front squats (35/25)

80′ Synchronized dumbbell overhead lunges

25 Synchronized alternating dumbbell snatches

70′ Synchronized dumbbell overhead lunges

20 Synchronized alternating dumbbell thrusters

20 Synchronized pull-ups


…rest 5:00, then team up and…

“Meet in the middle”

With team of MMF or FFM (if possible), perform the following:

100 Kettlebell swings (53/35)

100 Hang power snatch (75/55)

75 Box facing burpee box jump overs (20″)

75 Fat bar front squats (70#)

100 Wall-ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)

100 Toes-2-bar


For time



Low dragon

Sink mobilization

Overhead distraction

Reclined spinal twist



Post results and experiences to comments