Saturday, 25 November 2023

Join us TODAY for a FREE class at 0900!

No experience needed and everyone welcome!



3 Rounds of:

8 Toes to bar

10  Single arm dumbbell hang clean and jerk (50/35) (5 on one side then 5 on the other)

14/12 Calories row


…Rest 3:00 and then…


3 Rounds of:

8 Toes to bar

10  Single arm dumbbell hang clean and jerk (50/35) (5 on one side then 5 on the other)

14/12 Calories bike


…Rest 3:00 and then…


3 Rounds of:

8 Toes to bar

10  Single arm dumbbell hang clean and jerk (50/35) (5 on one side then 5 on the other)

14/12 Calories ski


For time



Post results and experiences to comments

8 Responses
  1. White Ape

    24:10 Total Rx
    5:37, 6:03, 6:30

    My shoulders were toast by the time I hit the skier! I was happy with my performance.

    Strong work to all!