Join us TODAY for a FREE class at 0900!
No experience needed and everyone welcome!
3 Rounds of:
8 Toes to bar
10 Single arm dumbbell hang clean and jerk (50/35) (5 on one side then 5 on the other)
14/12 Calories row
…Rest 3:00 and then…
3 Rounds of:
8 Toes to bar
10 Single arm dumbbell hang clean and jerk (50/35) (5 on one side then 5 on the other)
14/12 Calories bike
…Rest 3:00 and then…
3 Rounds of:
8 Toes to bar
10 Single arm dumbbell hang clean and jerk (50/35) (5 on one side then 5 on the other)
14/12 Calories ski
For time
Post results and experiences to comments
26:31 RX
Struggle was for sure on the ski!
T2B mostly unbroken
Awesome work today girl! So happy to have you back! ❤️
You killed it!!!
23:53 Rx
This was harder than it looked!!
Last set of T2B back felt weird & blister on hand started- did knees to chest
35# felt great on hang C&J!
Strong work girl!! Smart move saving those hands!!
24:10 Total Rx
5:37, 6:03, 6:30
My shoulders were toast by the time I hit the skier! I was happy with my performance.
Strong work to all!
20#db. Yea