21 Overhead Squats (95/63)
21 Hand-Release Push-ups
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats
15 Hand-Release Push-ups
300m Run
9 Overhead Squats
9 Hand-Release Push-ups
200m Run
For Time
(10:00 cap)
…Rest 8:00 from end of cap
Partner up (co-ed if possible), and perform each of the following in order, to completion, with equal work:
1600m Row
120 Double Unders
80 Sit-ups
40 Pull-ups
For Time
Compare to Tuesday, 09 September 2014
Right Side Straddle – 1:00
Left Side Straddle – 1:00
Middle Straddle – 1:00
First Rib Mobilization – 2:00/side
Olympic Wall Squat – 2:00
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