Saturday, 24 February 2024

Register HERE for the 2024 CrossFit Open!

Take the Judges Course HERE!


Accessory Work:

10 Double dumbbell* Bulgarian split squats (5/leg)

1:00 Rest


5 Rounds for quality

*Increase dumbbell weight each round



As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:

8 Alternating dumbbell hang clean and jerks (50/35)

10 Wall ball shots (20/14)@ (10′)

12 Shuttle runs (25’ down and back =1)


3 Rounds for score, Rest 3-minutes between rounds



Post results and experiences to comments

5 Responses
  1. White Ape

    263 Rx

    Worked up to 45# db’s on the skill work.
    Coach Sarah and I did some squat snatch work before the skill and CWOD.
    Did 1 rep EMOM 5 @115, 5 @125, 5 @135. Snatches felt good today!