Saturday, 22 February 2020




Partner WOD

Part 1:

2:00 max calorie row, then

2 rounds of:

12 Piston Devil Presses* (40/25)

20 Toes-2-bar*

12 Synchronized burpees-over-bar


For time

(8:00 cap)

*Piston Devil Presses (PDP) are performed by partner A doing 1 PDP, followed by partner B doing 1 PDP, then A doing 1,, then B doing 1, and so on until all 12 are complete (6 each).

PDP will also count as burpees for the burpee challenge.

Toes-2-bar require A performing T2B while B does a static hold from the bar. Then switch.

…rest 8:00, then…


Part 2:

35 Deadlifts (225/153)

35 Wall-ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)

35 Calories rowed

35 Handstand push-ups w/ 2″ riser


For time (8:00 cap)

…rest 8:00, then…


Part 3:

Every 90 seconds perform 1 rep of the following cycle:

Clean ⇒ Hang power clean

Men: 135-165-185-205-215-225-235-245-255-265-275-285

Women: 65-85-105-115-125-135-145-155-165-170-175-180


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 20



Post results and experiences to comments