Saturday, 21 September 2024

Register to Compete or Volunteer for the Festivus Games 2024!



0:45 Max reps wall walks

0:30 Rest

0:45 Max reps alternating dumbbell snatches (70/50)

0:30 Rest


5 Rounds for two scores (wall walks and snatches are two separate scores)




On an every 3 minute clock:

5 @ 60%

5 @ 65%

5 @ 70%

5 @ 75%

5 @ 80%


Post results and experiences to comments

4 Responses
  1. Michelle Milstead

    13 wall walks
    81 DB snatches

    Worked up to 88#
    This seems to be the max weight I can go before it hurts too much.

  2. Sarah Flynn

    WW 25
    DBS 63 Rx
    At home. It’s HOT and my hands were so sweaty. Hard to hold onto that 50#! 🤪
    DL built to 5@235. Had to use a guy bar which was hard on grip with tiny hands lol.