Saturday, 21 July 2018



3-person team WOD


150 Wall-Ball Shots

(20/14) @ (10/9′) – Rx

(16/10) @ (10/9′) – 55+ Masters Rx

(14/10) @ (9′) – Scaled

(12/8) @ (9′) – Masters Scaled



21-15-9 rep rds of:


Handstand Push-ups

*(225/153) – Rx

(185/123) – 55+ Masters Rx

(155/103) – Scaled

(135/93) – Masters scaled



10-minute AMRAP of:

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Squats



30 Clean and Jerks

(135/93) – Rx

(115/83) – 55+ Masters Rx

(95/63) – Scaled

(75/53) – Masters scaled


For total time

One partner working at a time. Equal work required, as close to on Diane. Teams must use same bar throughout Diane and Grace. Adjust weight as needed from one to the other. Only one bar to be used, unless team is co-ed. If choosing scaled on any of the WOD’s, perform scaled for all. Cindy is prescribed as a 20-minute AMRAP. We are cutting to 10 for this wod setup only. Teams will rotate through complete rounds, as in one team member will do a complete round, tag next member, who then does complete round 2. And so on.


Flexibility WOD:

Couch Stretch, 2 minutes each leg

Right leg split, 2 minutes

Left leg split, 2 minutes

Couch Stretch, 1 minute each leg


Post WOD, time, skills worked, and experiences to comments