Christmas week schedule: Monday—regular hours, Tuesday—no 1730 class, Wednesday and Thursday—closed, and Friday—regular hours.
“12 Days of Christmas”
1 Clean & Jerk (135/93)
2 Pistols
3 Burpees
4 Back Extensions
5 Ring Dips
6 Deadlifts (135/93)
7 Toes-2-Bar
8 Pull-ups
9 Box Jumps (30/24″)
10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
11 Handstand Push-ups
1200m Row
For Time*
Compare to Saturday, 23 December 2023
- The WOD is performed like the song is sung (1/2-1/3-2-1/4-3-2-1/5-4-3-2-1/…)
- Pistols are 1 each leg, each time
Post results and experience to comments
31:33 Rx
50min something seconds …
Scaled weight, pistols, box jumps ..etc
Knee injuries suck 😒
31:03 scaled pistol for left leg.
Scaled pistols, was able to get most Ring dips RX, but then last few rounds had to add a band, HSPU were rough. Boo. Compared to last year, I did go slower, but this year had more movements that werent scaled. So I’m proud of this
42:58 scaled
Pistol progression
45# kb
24″ box
Everything Rx except counted HSPU attempts
Also, connect PLUs to toes2bar on every round. Last one had to come down with 3 T2B left
Did this with Kile the Monday after.
Me: 34:20 Rx
Definitely felt the hand injury on all the C&J’s and the HSPU. Did everything unbroken. Went a little too fast through the first 8 rounds. Was exactly half way time wise when I finished the round of 10!!
Rx (soft)
Pistols he anchored his foot against his ankle.