Saturday, 20 July 2024


2 Rounds of:

15 Wall-ball GHD sit-ups (12/8)

15 Ring support tuck-ups

15 Wall-ball cleans (20/14)

…Rest 1 minute and then…

30 Wall-ball cleans (20/14)

30 Ring support tuck-ups

30 Wall-ball GHD sit-ups (12/8)

For time

(15:00 cap)


Back squats

On a 2:30 clock, perform:

5 @ 75% of 1-Rm

5 Sets of quality

Post results and experiences to comments

2 Responses
  1. M. York

    14:34 I think
    Felt good to finish WOD.
    The ring tuck ups were a nice challenge.

    Scaled back squats to 55% focused on bracing core and getting good depth. Knee felt okay but my hamstring is overreacting.