Saturday, 20 July 2019



Partner WOD

16-32-48-64 rep rounds of:

Wall-ball shots (25/20) @ (10/9′)

8-16-24-32 rep rounds of:

Alternating plank push-ups

4-8-12-16 rep rounds of:

Squat cleans (185/123)

2-4-6-8 rep rounds of:

Rope climbs (15′)




4 rounds* for time

*Instructions: All numbers are team totals. Equal work must be performed on each exercise. Tag between exercises. Only one partner working at a time.

WOD example: Partner A (A), Partner B (B)

3-2-1- GO!, A does 8 WB’s, B does 8 WB’s, and then they move to the PU’s

A and B get into high plank facing each other; Partners tag, A does PU, A and B tag, B does PU, A and B tag. Continue this alternating process until 8 total PU are completed. Then move to Squat cleans.

Partners can break cleans up as desired, as long as equal rep count is performed (total 4 in round 1). Partners tag, and then move to Rope climbs.

Partners can break climbs up as desired, as long as equal rep count is performed (total 2 in round 1). Partners tag, and then move to Sprints.

Sprints are performed with the A sprinting half the distance (200m rd 1), tag B, B then sprints 200m, tags A, and then they begin round 2.

Rep counts go up with each additional round. Once the final 500m sprint is completed, time is called.



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