Saturday, 20 August 2022

Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE!



2022 Legends Masters Competition Online Qualifier WOD 22.6

Snatch Ladder

1 Snatch EMOM until failure*

Rx starts at (155/103)

Scaled starts at (75/53)

*Male athletes add 10# every minute, female athletes add 5# every minute. Athletes may have assistance in changing weight

**Specific age group starting loads will be posted at gym


For load




“Death by Clean’n Burpees”

Every minute on the minute perform 1 power clean* and 1 burpee-over-bar. After every two minutes, add 1 rep of each exercise, until failure to complete all reps within minute.

*Rx: (185/123)

55+ Rx: (155/103)


For score



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