4-person Team WOD
6-minute AMRAP
Max rep synchronized Pull-ups (M1/F1)
Partner Deadlift hold (375) (M2/F2)
Switch as often as desired. Pull-ups only count if Deadlift bar is held in full lockout by other co-ed team.
…rest 2 minutes, then…
Each member must perform the following in any team order, only 2 working at a time:
15 Burpees
20 Wall-Ball Shots (16/12)
50 Double Unders or 100 Single Unders
20 Knees-2-Elbows
15 Calories Rowed
For Time
(19:00 cap)
…rest 5 minutes, then…
Team Total:
1-rep max
Hang Squat Clean
(12:00 cap)
Two bars allowed to be used. Only one bar moving at a time. Athletes not lifting can prepare their bar while other athlete is lifting.
Right Straddle – 1:30
Left Straddle – 1:30
Center Straddle – 1:30
One Arm Lat Lean – 1:30/side
Reclined Spinal Twist – 1:30/side
Post total reps, time, load, and experiences to comments