Every minute on the minute for 9 minutes, perform:
Minute 1: 20-seconds Strict chin-ups/rest 40-seconds
Minute 2: 20-seconds Strict pull-ups/rest 40-seconds
Minute 3: 20-seconds Strict wide-grip pull-ups/rest 40-seconds
For score and quality
As many rounds and reps as possible in 20-minutes of:
15/12 Calories biked/skied
50-ft Single-arm dumbbell overhead lunges-right (50/35)
10 GHD sit-ups
15/12 Calories rowed burpees
50-ft Single-arm dumbbell overhead lunges-left (50/35)
10 Dumbbell goblet squats (50/35)
For score
Post results and experiences to comments
32/280 35#. I’m not quite ready for 40#
Skill : 23
154. 70+
5# DB Lunge 20# DB Squats