Saturday, 19 January 2013

Attention all MP CrossFitters: tomorrow is the Health Zone Health Fair. From 0930-1000, there will be spectators watching us WOD. Then from 1000-1030, there will be a free trial class. Come demo the excitement of CrossFit!



Running group will meet in the main parking lot for Turkey Mountain at 0715. All are welcome!



Main WOD:



Three rounds of:


Power Snatch (75/53)

Box Jumps (24/20″)

Thrusters (75/53)

Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups


For Score


“Hope” is the same format as “Fight Gone Bad”. Each station is performed for 1 minute, then you rotate to the next station and immediately begin that exercise. This continues until you have completed all 5 station, 5 minutes total. At this point, you rest for 1 minute. No rest between stations. Repeat this process for 3 rounds. Each correctly performed rep is 1 point. Add up all rounds for total score.



Post score to comments

Compare to 15 JUN 12