Saturday, 19 August 2023

It is with great sadness and some joy 😉 we are saying bye for now to two AMAZING friends and MP family members. Tavares “Bubba” and Jodie Williams will be part of the Ape Nation family forever! Go with the blessings of God, and know you will be greatly missed!



3-person Team WOD

“Jodie Calls”*

0:30 Max reps deadlifts (185/123)

0:30 Max reps single-unders

0:30 Rest


5 Rounds for score

*In a conga-line style, team member (TM) 1 starts on the deadlifts while TM 2 and 3 are resting. At the next 0:30, TM 1 moves to jump-rope and TM 2 starts the deadlifts, while TM 3 rests. Then on the next 0:30, TM 1 rests, TM 2 moves to jump-rope, and TM 3 begins deadlifts. Continue in this pattern until all TMs have completed 5 full rounds.


…rest 5:00, then…



2021m Row


3 rounds of:

30 GHD sit-ups

30 Wall-ball shots (20/16) @ (10/9′)

30 Bar-facing burpees over same barbell


6000m Bike


For time

*Equal work required. On the row, athletes must switch every 250m, with the final person getting the additional 21m. On bike, athletes must switch every 0:30.



Post results and experiences to comments

3 Responses
  1. White Ape

    Team “Sape-B”
    Jodie Calls – 1192 Rx
    Bubba – 26:34 Rx

    Tough WODs! But was a blast with the group!! Strong work everyone!

    We will miss the Williams family, but you will ALWAYS be in our hearts and prayers!

    1. sflynn

      Ditto!!! This was a fun and tough WOD! Just like the Williams… fun, and tough. 🙂 Sending you all with all our love and prayers. (And some tears too). You all will really be missed!!!❤️

  2. Henry Smith

    Megan / Justin / Henry
    1120 rx
    27:52 rx

    Bubba & Jodie best of luck on the move. Enjoyed the few times we worked out together.