Saturday, 18 December 2010

Hang Clean
3 rep max

Post max load to comments


Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

With a continuous running clock, every minute on the minute add 10m for run, 20m for row, 50m for bike, and 10m for swim.
I.E.-minute 1, row 20m; minute 2, row 40m; minute 3, row 60m; etc.

Post sport and highest successful minute completed to comments
8 Responses
  1. MP Jimmy

    185lbs 3 rep,
    190lbs 2 rep, 🙁

    Did rowing CFE, 13 successful minutes, rowed a total of 2051m. That was exhausting, but good work!

  2. Michel

    Party at Lesley's was an RX affair and awesome to have everyone there. Danny – we missed you!! For all those who couldn't be there you were there in spirit. Thank you Lesley for hostessing our soiree and for all MP, Erin and Jimmy. We have it going on! Anne, welcome back!

  3. christine

    Thanks Lesley! It was fun to meet others in different classes. Your house is beautiful, the food was great. I hate we had to leave early. We had a lot of fun! Christine, Barry and Christian

  4. Anne

    Thanks for the party Lesley! Gorgeous house, delicious food and perfect company — more fun!! Great to see all the MPCF crowd again!!