Saturday, 17 April 2010

Comeback “Tour”

Run 400m (prior to each round)

21-18-15-12-9 reps of:

Box Jumps (24/20)
Wall Ball Shots (20/12)
Overhead Squats (65/45)

For time

Post time to comments

Compare to 17 APR 09

18 Responses
  1. MP Jimmy

    I look forward to seeing everyone in the morning! I also posted this WOD before looking up my time from APR 09; this will be rough! 🙂

    We will start the week off in style!

  2. Vernice

    Jimmy, we have been warning each other about the day you return. I see that you didn't let us down!
    Welcome Back!

  3. patricelott

    Sorry I have to miss this exciting WOD but I'm still babysitting my granddaughter. I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday.

  4. Coby

    52:53 with 1" band plus thong, 17" box, modified push-ups, 45# OH Squat, 12# wallballs.

    Debbie was at 51:13

    Welcome back home, Jimmy.

  5. Ginny

    Mod Wod today…apparantly I have a case of mini rhabdo from 100 pull ups and sanding shutters…Is there a patch for that, lol.

    Run 400
    50 squats
    Run 400
    50 situps
    Run 400
    50 squats
    Run 400
    50 situps


  6. MP Jimmy

    That was BRUTAL!! Robert you got me on 1! :p
    Congratz to you, and all that completed this WOD!

    36:12 RX

    Robert, I am coming for you! 🙂

  7. erin

    43:48 rx ow!! That one hurt 😉 Great job everybody!!! I'll miss my breakfast club 😉 I'll be in Im too used to getting up at the butt crack of dawn 😉 good to have u back boss!