Saturday, 16 December 2023


Partner WOD, equal work required

1,500m Ski for time


…Rest 3:00 and then…


20 Rounds, partners alternate exercises, of:

5 Strict pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Air squats


For time


…Rest 3:00 and then…


3,000m Bike for time



Post results and experiences to comments

3 Responses
  1. Michelle Milstead

    Partnered with Ron. This was a great WOD!

    Ski 6:23 (we each skiied 250 meter sets but 30 second sprints probably would have been better)
    12:48 (Started out with light blue and light red banded pullups but had to add another light red band after 2sets of pullups. I did puships from a 20″ box. Squats felt pretty good on the hip.)
    Bike (goal was to keep it above 60 for each 30 second sprint and was able to maintain that rpm until my last two sets) 5:45

    My arms and shoulders are still sore from the wall walks and my lower back still feels tight.