Saturday, 14 January 2023

Join us this week, Jan 9th-14th for FREE! Any class!

No experience needed!

Registration 2023 CrossFit Games Open HERE

2023 CrossFit Judges Course HERE



Partner WOD

3:00 Sled drag for tonnage*

1:00 Rest

3:00 Bike for calories

1:00 Rest

3:00 Dumbbell snatches (50/35)

1:00 Rest

3:00 Row for calories

1:00 Rest

3:00 D-Ball cleans (100/70)

1:00 Rest

3:00 Ski for calories

1:00 Rest


2 rounds for score

*Each athlete chooses weight on sled. Partners do not have to use same weight. Score for tonnage is total weight on sled x by distance pulled in 5-ft sections.



Post results and experiences to comments

3 Responses
  1. White Ape

    Partnered with Justin
    We went in the following order:
    Bike: 90/51 – 141
    Snatch: 94/82 – 176
    Row: 65/56 – 121
    D-ball: 52/42 – 94
    Ski: 61/52 – 113
    Sled: 8 RT* @187/ 6 RT @162
    Total tonnage: 24,680
    Grand total: 25,325

    *RT- Round Trip, aka down & back

    Heck of a WOD!! We started a β€œtad” fast on the bike. :). It kept a solid pace on everything else. Added the ski on the fly due to a larger class. Should have lowered the time to 2:00/1:00 as well. 47:00 WOD is U-G-L-Y! πŸ˜‰