Saturday, 13 October 2018



Partner WOD

Perform as many reps as possible in 45 seconds* at each station of:


Synchronized Wall-ball shots (20/16) @ (12/10′)

GHD Sit-up Wall-Ball tosses (8#)

Synchronized Pull-ups

Box Overs (20″)

Synchronized One-arm Kettlebell Snatch Lunges (45/30)

Calories Rowed

…rest 1 minute


3 rounds for score

Compare to Saturday, 15 October 2016

*45 seconds of work, 15 seconds to transition. Rest 1 minute between rounds.

Only one partner at a time working at the Burpee, GHD, Box Over and Row.

GHD Sit-up Wall-Ball tosses is performed with two GHD’s placed end to end. On partner take WB, lowers to touch ground with the ball. Sits up and tosses to partner, who then repeats movement.

“Synchronized” requires athletes be at the top and bottom of each rep simultaneously.



Clean & Jerk

1-rep max Team Total

15:00 cap


Flexibility/yoga poses:

Thread the Needle – 1:30/side

Twisted Monkey – 1:30/side

Pigeon – 1:30/side

Reclined Spinal Twist – 1:30/side



Post score, loads, and experiences to comments