Saturday, 11 November 2023

Chad Wilkinson, a Navy SEAL, died by suicide on Oct. 29, 2018, due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast-wave injuries, and PTSD. Wilkinson left behind a wife, two kids, and countless other friends and family members. Since her husband’s death, Sara Wilkinson, a long-time member of the CrossFit community and trainer on CrossFit’s Seminar Staff, has been promoting awareness around veteran suicide and prevention through her nonprofit, The Step Up Foundation.

Join us TODAY at 0900 for a FREE workout!

No fitness experience is needed and everyone is welcome!

Support Veteran’s Mental Health Initiatives by donating to the

Chad 1000x Fundraiser



Hero WOD “Chad”

1,000 Box step ups* (20″)(45/35 ruck sack)


For time

*Scaling options will be posted at gym



Post results and experiences to comments

11 Responses
  1. sflynn

    1:29.0 Rx
    This was a mental grind. Really had to focus on proper form not coming down on straight legs to protect my knees. Did 25 reps per side of the box and marked off every 100. I liked doing it this way. Next time pack the cat food into my Mystery Ranch pack. Way better waist belt and straps. That pack got heavy!

    A great hero WOD. THANK YOU veterans. ❤️

  2. Kim Owens

    Partnered with Vernice and Gene. So much fun!
    Hit 1000 at 48:58 14” box
    Continued to the one hour mark and did 1220!
    Coach Sarah says to do 16” next time. Decided we could.

  3. Anniee

    WOW! last 200 were a struggle for me!! dug deep. focused on staying moving. copied sarah & did 25 step ups each side on box, marked off 100 once fully around. i felt great starting! got 8 hours of sleep & ate a bagel 45mins prior.

    love the grind!!!