Saturday, 11 March 2023


Partner WOD

Complete as many reps as possible in 3-minutes of:

1000m Bike

Max rep rope climbs in remaining time

Rest 1:00

Complete as many reps as possible in 3-minutes of:

600m Row

Max rep synchro sit-ups in remaining time

Rest 1:00

Complete as many reps as possible in 3-minutes of:

1000m Bike

Max rep synchro burpee pull-ups in remaining time

Rest 1:00

Complete as many reps as possible in 3-minutes of:

600m Row

Max rep synchro grasshoppers in remaining time

Rest 1:00


2 rounds for score


Post results and experiences to comments

1 Response
  1. Brian Flynn

    Bike 500m
    Row 300m
    Substituted towel (saw) pull-ups for rope climb
    Rd 1:
    52 reps
    43 sit-ups
    14 Burp PLU
    31 grasshopper
    45 reps
    43 sit-ups
    16 Burp PLU
    45 grasshopper