Saturday, 11 July 2020

This WOD is dedicated to Sergeant Craig Johnson of the Tulsa Police Department.

Sgt Johnson was shot multiple times during a traffic stop on the morning of June 29, and later succumbed to his wounds on June 30, 2020.  Johnson was a member of the Tulsa Police Department for 15 years.  Prior to his passing, he was awarded the Tulsa Police Department Purple Heart. He will be missed by all that knew and loved him.  Sgt Johnson is survived by his wife, Kristi Johnson; sons, Connor and Clinton Johnson; parents, Clyde and Cheryl Johnson; numerous other relatives, friends and hundreds of his brothers and sisters with the Tulsa Police Department.


Sgt Craig Johnson Hero WOD:

15 Rounds of*

3 Deadlifts (1/2 body-weight)

3 Power cleans (1/2 body-weight)

3 Front squats (1/2 body-weight)

3 Bar over burpees

3 Handstand push-ups

3 Devil presses (50/35)

3 Box jump overs (24/20)

19 Double-unders


*Before or after each round, row 347m (athlete chooses to do this before or after each round, but whatever is done on round 1, must be the order that is maintained throughout WOD)


For time


Meaning behind the WOD’s numbers:

3.23 miles is the total distance rowed: time the incident occurred

15: total years of service

3×7 exercises = 21: street in which incident occurred

019: radio designation



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