Saturday, 09 September 2017


Partner WOD*

“Time to make lemonade with the lemons!”

20 Triple Unders

40 Wall-Ball Volleyball Throws @ 8′ (25/20/16)*

20 Chest-2-Bar Pull-up

Run 800m

30 GHD Sit-ups

30 Shoulder Press (95/63)

30 Overhead Squats (95/63)

Row 800m

30 Kettlebell Swings (72/53)

30 Push Press (115/73)

30 Front Squats (115/73)

Run 800m

20 Handstand Push-ups

40 Plate-facing Burpees

20 Triple Unders


For Time


Co-Ed partners if possible. Equal work. One partner working at a time. Tag between exercises.

Wall-Ball Volleyball Throws are performed with each partner on opposite sides of a 8′ bar, wall, etc; ones squats and throws ball over target, where other catches, squats and returns. Two throws have been performed. Co-ed teams use a 20 lb ball. If ball touches the floor for ANY reason anytime between rep 1 and 40, both partners stop and do 5 penalty burpees.


…Rest 8 minutes, then…



7-rep max


For max load

(12:00 cap)





Post time, max load, and experiences to comments