Saturday, 09 March 2013

Register for the 2013 CrossFit Games, CLICK HERE


There will be a running group meeting in the main parking lot at Turkey Mountain at 0645. All are welcome to join for a group run.



Option 1:

“Four the Love”

Complete as many rounds as possible in 17 minutes of:

4 V-ups

8 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High-pull (2/1.5 pood)

12 Wall-ball Shots  (20/14) @ (10’/9′)

16 Grasshoppers



Post total rounds and extra reps to comments



Option 2:

WOD 13.1

17 minute AMRAP of:

40 Burpees

30 Snatches (75/45)

30 Burpees

30 Snatches (135/75)

20 Burpees

30 Snatches (165/100)

10 Burpees

As many Snatch reps as possible (210/120)



Post score to comments

If competing in the Open, post results (total reps and tie breaker time) to Games website