Saturday, 09 December 2023

Join us today, Saturday, Dec 9th at 9 am for a FREE class!

Join us this evening, Dec 9th at 6 pm for our Annual Christmas Potluck Party!



Partner WOD


40 D-ball cleans (100/70)



10 rounds* for time of:

5 Handstand push-ups

5 Squat cleans (155/103)

5 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

5 Burpees-over-bar


…rest 5:00, then…


Max tonnage Bench press*


For time and score

*Partners alternate complete rounds. On BP, partner A does max reps in 20 seconds at any designated load (minimum 45/33), then has 10 seconds to rotate and change load (if necessary), and then partner B does 20 seconds at any designated load, then has 10 seconds to rotate and change load back to partner A, and then repeat once more each.


Post results and experiences to comments

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