Saturday, 08 April 2023



3-Person Team WODs


As many rounds and reps in 6-minutes of the following:

Athletes 1 & 2 synchronize the following:

12 Single kettlebell deadlifts (53/35)

9 Russian kettlebell swings

6 Single kettlebell thrusters


Athlete 3:

Row for calories


Athletes can switch out in any order they choose. Two athletes are always performing AMRAP.


For scores

(Score A is total reps completed, Score B is total meters rowed)


…Rest 5:00 then…


“The same, but different”

Athlete 1:

3 rounds of:

15 Wall balls (20/14)@(10/9′)

15 Hang power snatches (95/63)


Athlete 2:


Wall balls (20/14)@(10/9′)

Hang power snatches (95/63)


Athlete 3:

45 Wall balls (20/14)@(10/9′)

45 Hang power snatches (95/63)


For time

(15:00 cap)


…Rest 5:00 then…



Every minute on the minute, perform the following:

0:50 Max pull-ups

0:50 Max alternating synchronized forward lunges

0:50 Max synchronized line facing burpees


3 Rounds for score



Post scores and experiences to comments

*WODs courtesy of Festivus Games 2023, Intermediate team division

(Novice and Masters changes will be noted and used at the gym)