Saturday, 07 August 2010


10 Burpees
20 Double Under

10 rounds for time

Post time to comments

Compare to 21 APR 10

CFE WOD (3+ hrs before or after main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

Run: 10K
Row: 10K
Bike: 15K
Swim: 1 mile

Do at 80-90% intensity/race pace
11 Responses
  1. MP Jimmy

    Sorry for late post. I woke up and realized I went to bed without posting. Oops! See ya at 0830. 🙂

  2. Michel

    Run 400m
    15 Pull-ups – 1"
    15 Squats
    15 Box Jumps (20) – 17"
    15 Double Unders – 45 Singles
    15 Burpees – RX

    4 rounds

    Remote. Me. All day.

  3. Robert

    Ran 10 K at Lafortune with Danny, Leslie and Lawson…49:18 PR by minutes.

    Great job today Jimmy and Danny!

    Tomorrow last 100 burpees– …an extra 10 minutes a day to do something else…what am I gonna do….hmmmm

  4. Danny

    55:13 10K at LaFortune. 99 burpees. Looking forward to the 100 tomorrow and being DONE with burpees. Good seeing Lesley and meeting Brian this morning. Great job on the PRs Robert and Jimmy!

  5. Amber

    Crossfit Middle Tennessee Team Wod:
    21 Air squats
    Run 200m
    18 KBS (1.5 pood)
    Run 200
    15 Burpees
    Run 200m
    12 Push ups
    Run 200m
    9 Dumbbell Thrusters (25lbs)
    Run 200

  6. Lesley

    Untimed 5K run/walk and NO burpees for me today! Contrats on the PRs! You 10K runners were flying this morning!