Saturday, 06 May 2023


5 Rounds of:

2 Wall walks

3 Power snatches (135/93)

4 Strict handstand push-ups

5 Clean and jerks (135/93)




4 Rounds of:

15 Hang power cleans (95/63)

10 Box jumps (24/20″)




3 Rounds of:

25 Overhead squats (45/33)

25′ Handstand walk


For total time

(30:00 time cap)



Post results and experiences to comments

1 Response
  1. sflynn

    29:59 Rx and OH EM GEE
    that first part took me nearly 20min. Figured out o was putting my hands too wide on the SHSPU.
    So to finish under cap I had to go UB on everything else in part 2 and 3.
    That was a tough one! But really fun!