Saturday, 06 January 2024

Join us this Saturday, 06 Jan at 0900 for a FREE trial class!



3-Person Team WOD, equal work required

Buy in:

As many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:

Rope climbs (13′)


For score


…Rest 2:00 minutes and then…


As many rounds and reps as possible in 21-minutes of the following:

18 Devil presses (2 x 50/35)

36 Wall balls (20/14) @ (10/9′)

18 Power cleans (155/103)


For score


…Rest 2:00 minutes and then…


Sell out:

3:00 Max calories biked


For score



Post results and experiences to comments

3 Responses
  1. sflynn

    Made this a partner WOD with Coach…
    2min rope climbs: 11
    21 min amrap of
    12 DP, 24 WB, 12 PC
    score: 318 Rx
    2min bike calories: 57

    This was fun! Awesome class today!