Saturday, 05 June 2021



Partner WOD

Part 1:

6 alternating rounds for time of:

10 Shoulder-2-Overhead (95/63)

10 Toes-2-Bar

(4:00 cap)


…rest until 6:00, then for total score…

2-minute AMRAP alternating exercises of:

3 Power Cleans (95/63)

3 Box Overs (24/20″)

6 Grasshoppers


rest 1:00 and adjust weight

2-minute AMRAP alternating exercises of:

2 Power Cleans (135/93)

2 Box Overs

4 Grasshoppers


rest 1:00 and adjust weight

2-minute AMRAP alternating exercises of:

1 Power Cleans (185/123)

1 Box Overs

2 Grasshoppers


…rest until 18:00, then perform with equal work:

20 Synchronized Plank Claps

40 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

80 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)

40 Kettlebell Swings

20 Synchronized Burpees


For time



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