Saturday, 05 January 2019



3-person team WOD*

Row 600m

4 rounds of:

12 Power Cleans (155/103)

12 Toes-2-Bar


Bike 1200m

3 rounds of:

18 Shoulder to Overhead (135/93)

18 Alternating Pistols


Row 1200m

2 rounds of:

24 Bar-over-Burpees

24 Box Overs (30/24″)


Bike 2400m

60 Front Rack Walking Lunges (115/73)

180 Double Unders


For Time

*Equal work required. Only one athlete working at a time. Tag between exercises.



Right Side Straddle

Left Side Straddle

Middle Straddle

Right Leg Split

Left Leg Split

Middle Splits



Post time, max load, and experiences to comments