Saturday, 02 June 2018



Partner WOD


4 x 150m Sprints

For Time


…rest 2:00, then…

“The Challenge”

20 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups

30 Box Jumps (24/20″)

40 Sit-ups

40 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

30 Ring Dips

20 Front Squats (135/93)


2 rounds



40 Burpees onto a 55lb plate


For Time

Compare to Saturday, 04 February 2017

Equal work required on each exercise. Only one person working at a time. Both rounds will be completed, and then perform the “sell-out”. Time will stop when the last Burpee is completed.



Hang Squat Clean ⇒ Jerk

1-rep max


For team total



Revolved Seated Staff – 1:00/side

Reclined Spinal Twist – 1:00/side

Lying Hip Capsule – 1:00/side

Plow – 2:00



Post loads, time, and experiences to comments