Saturday, 02 December 2023


Partner WOD, equal work required

60 Calories skied

40 D-ball cleans (100/70)

20 Wall-walks

60 Calories biked

40 Double dumbbell thrusters (2 x 50/35)

200 Double unders

60 Calories rowed

40 Burpee box jump overs (20″)

20 Devil’s presses (2 x 50/35)


For time

(35:00 cap)



Post results and experiences to comments

2 Responses
  1. White Ape

    27:18 Rx

    Body is still very beat up from this week! 6 days in a row is rough for this older guy! LOL!

  2. Anniee

    did alone @ own gym.
    83# barbell clean instead of D ball clean
    20” box HSPU instead of WW
    25# DB : thruster & devil press