Partner WOD
21-15-9 rep rounds* of:
Thrusters (95/63)
*Partners alternate complete rounds. Partner A does 21 thrusters & 21 pull-ups, then partner B does 21 thrusters & 21 pull-ups. Then they move on to the 15 round, and then the 9 round in similar fashion.
60/40 Calories biked or rowed*
(equal calories)
45-30-15 reps of:
Power snatch (95/63)
60/40 Calories rowed or biked*
(equal calories)
30-30-30 reps of:
Hang power cleans (95/63)
15-15-15 reps of:
Synchronized burpees-over-bar
For time
*Must row one and bike one
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