Saturday, 01 April 2017



 3-person Team

16 Wall-Ball Shots (25/16) @ (10/9′)

14 Burpees

12/9 Calories Biked

10 Fat Bar Front Rack Walking Lunges (130/85)


6 rounds for time (22:00 cap)

Alternate exercises. Calories are M/F.


…Rest 8 minutes, then…


As a team*, find team total 1-rep max of following complex, 15:00 cap:

Clean – Hang Clean – Jerk

*Only one team member lifting at a time


For total max load



Rocking Table – 1:00

Twisting Ape – 1:00

20 Straight Calf Raises

Elevated Seiza – 1:00

10 Side-to-Side Squats

Standing Pancake Stretch – 1:00


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 56



Post time, total load, and experiences to comments