Monday, 31 May 2010

Memorial Day Team WOD


300 Pull-ups
400 Push-ups
500 Sit-ups
600 Squats

For Time

Post time to comments

This WOD is done with a 4-person team. Only one team member can be performing an exercise at a time. No partitioning allowed. Team must complete each exercise before moving to next.
5 Responses
  1. MP Jimmy


    The only class time for MPCF will be 0930.

    If you do not have a team already, there will be others without a team you can join.

    See you at 0930!!

  2. Coby

    48:54 for Amber, Stacey, Jaime, and myself. Stacey and I used 1" band and thong.
    Nice job, ladies. Thanks for letting me join you.

  3. Jaime

    Super fun workout.I can tell that everyone did their best to help thier team. Thanks Coby, Amber and Stacy for all the help.I watched Jimmy, Erin, Robert and Danny do thier workout. I think we could have knocked off some seconds by doing less reps faster. I tried to sabotage them by counting wrong, but it didn't work (Just kidding):)

  4. MP Jimmy

    Awesome job this morning!! Had a great time.

    36:46 PR!

    Set out for sub-37, and got it! Thanks Robert, Danny, and Erin.

    Good to see everyone that made it out. Good to see Lesley, a boot camper, come do this WOD.

    Happy Memorial Day!

  5. Patrice

    Our team consisted of Susan, Leslie (new to CF), Joel (first time, I think), and Alan (Saturdays only) and me. Thanks, Joel and Alan for doing most of the work. I still was tired, from it all. It was a great work out, everyone, and good way to start out Memorial Day.