Monday, 30 January 2023

Join us this Friday, 3 February for a FREE drop in at any class time!

No experience needed.

Registration 2023 CrossFit Games Open HERE

2023 CrossFit Judges Course HERE




50 Pull-ups


For time



3 sets of:

8-6-4 Devil Presses (2×50/35)*

Rest 2:00 between sets


For time

(20:00 cap)

*After each round of Devil Presses, perform 40 double unders

WOD flows as follows:

8 DP, 40 du, 6 DP, 40 du, 4 DP, 40 du, rest 2:00…now repeat this two more times



Post results and experiences to comments

7 Responses
  1. Amber Burkhart

    4:01 Rx – was able to do a couple of sets of 6 and 5 at the beginning before doings 3s and 2s. Think I can improve, kip didn’t feel smooth at all this AM, elbow felt a little tight.
    21:24 @30#

  2. Henry Smith

    Started with plan of set of 8 then 6 sets of 7. After two sets of 7 I ended up doing smaller sets but focused on very short breaks. Last 10 were singles.

    23:29 cwod- this was ugly. The DUs were making shoulders burn because of Plu or devil press. And I kept tripping.

  3. Vernice

    PLU: 3:38 w/2 Blues bands-need to advance to 1 blue & 1 Pink

    CWOD: 20:14 w 20# DB , agree w Sarah, that was rough!