New Year’s week: Normal hours on Monday, night class canceled on Tuesday, 0900 class ONLY on Wednesday, returning to regular schedule on Thursday.
Partner WOD
“’Twas December 2024”
8-minutes of max calories row/bike/ski*
Complete as many reps as possible in 3-minutes* of:
Max rep single unders
8-minutes of max calories row/bike/ski*
Complete as many reps as possible in 3-minutes* of:
Max rep burpees-over-line
8-minutes of max calories row/bike/ski*
…rest 3:00, then…
Complete the remaining reps* with:
Single unders
For time
*The total of the calories and reps need to equal 1224. One teammate working at a time. Athletes can choose any order for the machines, but must do all three.
Post results and experiences to comments
Partnered with Wade
Team “Kape”
34:52 Rx
932 reps thru last machine
Got 52 burpees, but was toast going to the row. Next time slow burpees down a little bit and then hit rower harder.
Team “Biking Besties” with my Anna! ❤️ Gene shadowed so this was such a fun team! 🥹
37:22 scaled to 1000 reps
We had 560 reps at the rest and did 440 single unders.
Fun WOD!!
Partnered w/ Christie!