Monday, 29 April 2024


4 rounds of:

200m Run

10 Strict pull-ups

Then immediately into 4 rounds of:

200m Run

15 Push-ups

Finally immediately into 4 rounds of:

200m Run

25 Squats


For time

(30:00 cap)


Core Work:

10 V-ups

10 Tuck-ups

0:20 Hollow hold

0:20 Arch hold

1:00 Rest


4 Sets*

*Try to go unbroken on each set, while maintaining good form



Post results and experiences to comments

9 Responses
  1. Brian Flynn

    PLU 7,3 for 3rds 5,3,2 last
    PU, Squat UB

    Legs still a bit sore from Manion.

    Core work was spicy. 2rds UB 2 rds not.

  2. sflynn

    Modified to ring rows and elevated pushups (dealing with a buggy shoulder)

    I think with QF and Festivus I’m just beat. Gonna take this week to really reign back and see if I can get my body feeling good again.