Click here to register for the the 2014 CrossFit Games
Click here to register for the 2014 Judges course
Strength WOD:
Perform the following for quality (20 minute cap):
Warm-up: 8, 6, 4 rep, gradual weight increase
3 reps @ 65% 1RM
3 reps @ 75% 1RM
3+ reps @ 85% 1RM
Conditioning WOD:
“Death by Burpee Swings” (53/35)
With a continuous running clock, on minute one, perform 1 Burpee and 1 KB Swing. Minute two, perform 2 Burpees and 2 KB Swings. Minute three, perform 3 Burpees and 3 KB Swings. Continue this method until you are unable to complete the specified number of Burpees and KB Swings.
Post max reps, completed minute and extra reps to comments