Monday, 26 June 2023

Great group to celebrate “Murph Day” with!

Join us this Saturday, 01 July, at 0900 for FREE!

No fitness experience needed!



In a 3:00 window, complete the following:

5 Strict pull-ups

25 Double-unders

50-ft Walking lunges

Max reps Devil presses (2x 50/35) in remaining time


3 Rounds for score, rest 1:00 between rounds


Core work:

0:30 Hollow hold into 10 hollow rocks

25 Abmat butterfly sit-ups

0:30 Arch hold in 10 arch rocks

1:00 Rest


2 Rounds for quality



Post results and experiences to comments

8 Responses
  1. sflynn

    32 Rx
    Didn’t move with much intensity today but it felt good to move despite being pretty dang sore! 🙂

  2. White Ape

    Did some strength work first:
    Back Squats (1 tempo (3-2-up) into 5 normal)
    @ 165, 195, 225, 235,245

    39 Rx
    DP’s were rough!