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3 rounds of:
24 Squats
18 GHD sit-ups
12 Plate push-ups
…rest 3:00, then…
3 rounds of:
24 Squats
18 Toes-to-bar
12 Ring dips
…rest 3:00, then…
400m Row
300m Ski
600m Bike
For time
Post results and experiences to comments
First wod after vacation. 23:55 with K2E.
29:25 Rx
29:35 :push-ups instead of ring dips
30:22 actual time.
30:50 Mod reg sit ups and two pads and knee push ups.
29:42 mod
Ended up doing dips on bench vs ring dip. Ring dip was bothering bicep or some tendon in my arm today
Modified T2B and just got as high as I could
Red band on ring dips